PharmPrint LLC develops the solutions for automation of dispensing processes in laboratories and for manufacturing of personalized dosage forms

R & D
Main areas
From the moment of launch we conduct the research in the field of personalized pharmacy with the main challenge to provide accurate and precise dosage of a drug substance to the patient. Close to it stands the field of automation of dispenceing operations in laboratory practice, which is the area, where we begin commercialization of our solutions

Laboratory automation
We develop devices that allow to significantly reduce the laborious processes by automation. Flexiblity of implemented device architecture allows us to adjust the proposed solutions to your tasks. All equipment is manufactured regionally, which allow us to provide quick service support
Main areas:
PCR plates washing
Dispensing automation
Printing of pharmaceuticals
We conduct research and development in the fiels of manufacturing of personalized pharmaceuticals and new dosage forms

These solutions are mostly beneficial for such areas as pediatrics, cardiotherapy, phsyciatry and for manufacturing of personalized treatment courses for the elderly

About us
PharmPrint is a small innovative company, conducting research and development in the field of precise dosing.
We were established in 2016 with the goal to create a solution for “printing” of personalized drugs. Later we developed a prototype of this technology with collaboration of chemistry department of Moscow State University.
With further support of small enterprise development institutes we concentrate on development of automates dosage devices, which later will become the basis for full-scale industrial technology for manufacturing of personalized dosage forms

Lomonosov Moscow State University
In collaboration with MSU in 2016 was developed and tested a new technology for manufacturing of personal dosage forms

Fund for assistance to small enterprises
Received grant support for our RnD. In 2018 we won the competition for START-1 grant program and in 2020 – for START-2

Innovative centre “Skolkovo”
In 2017 we have become residents of major innovative centre in Moscow – “Skolkovo” in BioTech cluster

Moscow Acceleration program
In 2020 we have become the residents of the Moscow state BioTech startup acceleration program

115201, Moscow, Kotlyakovskaya st., 3b13


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We’ll be glad to hear from you
If you have any questions, please leave us a message, using this contact form. We’ll be glad to discuss mutual research, equipment supplies and modifcation of any other forms of partnership